Meet the speaker: Hannah Foxwell


The Build IT Right meet the speaker series caught up with Hannah Foxwell. Ahead of her talk, we spoke to Hannah about her own experiences and what the future holds…

What is your current role?

I work for Pivotal Labs (now part of VMware) in Platform Services. We help our customers build successful Platforms that delight developers!

What does Building IT Right mean to you?

For me Building IT Right means delivering value to your users and your business through technology. Regardless of the product you’re building or the technology you’re using there are some principles and practices that will help steer you towards success.

Why should Build IT Right visitors attend your talk?

In my talk I’ll introduce the basics of Site Reliability Engineering through a human lens. I’ll looks at the benefits of tools such as Services Level Objectives and Error Budgets for both end users and for the teams building and running those systems. It’s a great introductory talk which covers “Why should I care about these practices?” and “How do I get started?”

What innovations in the industry impress you the most?

It’s not exactly a recent innovation but I have been a believer and champion of the DevOps movement from day 1 (it’s now 10 years old)! I think a lot of teams and organisations are still adopting a very siloed approach to Dev and Ops and could deliver greater value to their end users if they embraced a DevOps culture.

What do you think will be the next big thing in software?

There are so many things I could put here! For me personally I’m just starting to see the benefits of IoT products in my day to day life – for example being able to answer my doorbell via an app when I’m travelling, or turn on the heating when I’m on my way home! I think it’s still in early adopter phase at the moment but pretty soon we’ll see all homes and businesses equipped with internet enabled devices.

Hannah Foxwell is speaking at 10.15am in the Invicta room, with her session ‘Reliability Engineering for Humans’

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